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Sol Mallorca - Property sales in Mallorca

Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children

Are You Dreaming About Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children?

Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children

You want to move away from the grime and the dirt, and the noisy and dangerous city streets, you want to take your family and children out of the city and try a new life somewhere more benign and beautiful; Somewhere sunny.

And you can.

And you most probably should.

Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children is Possible

Buying property and living in Pollensa with children is a reality for a lot of people and if they can do it, obviously so can you.

The mind often veers back to the sun kissed days of family holidays and dreams of staying there forever.

You went on holiday to Pollensa, in northern Mallorca for a couple of summer holidays and loved the place. You thought maybe this would be the change you and your family needed. 

I did.

There are quite a few of us who have done just that and now live in Pollensa with children, families, jobs, homes and a lifestyle that is different to the one we left behind, and for the most part, a life that is infinitely happier.

That is not to say it is easy.

It is a leap.

You will need to think and research this well and be prepared to be a more flexible and adaptable person.

Upping and moving with children in tow requires a certain degree of preparation. Having said that, children are extremely adaptable and will surprise you, settling in and learning the lingo before you have worked out where to buy the milk you like, or find a certain type of Moroccan tiles.

About Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children

First you need to buy a house.

You are thinking about buying property and living in Pollensa with children but don't know where to start.

Visit every single real estate agent in town, and there are quite a few, and choose the one you feel understands you best. This will be a personal relationship, and getting on with your agent and getting across what you want is key to finding and buying the right property and eventually living in Mallorca with children.

Getting Help with Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children

Your real estate agent should speak good English and provide you with an English speaking lawyer. Spanish bureaucracy is a labyrinth of red tape and requires a professional who knows how it works and what is needed. Getting it wrong can cost large amounts of time and money and can eventually lose you the house you wanted to buy. 

It is not worth taking the risk.

Shop around and take your time choosing, but do find a real estate agency to help you with the process of buying property.

Choosing Schools, Buying property and Living in Pollensa with Children

There are 3 local state schools in Pollensa Old Town and a couple more in Puerto Pollensa. They all follow a bilingual Balearic Island curriculum which shares the subjects out between Spanish and Catalan, favouring Catalan for the most part and teaching English as a third language, largely unsuccessfully.

If you are planning on moving to Pollensa for a longer period and your children are still quite young, then it is a good idea to put them in the local schools. They will learn two languages and immerse themselves fully in the local community, bringing you, the parents into it as well.

If you are buying property and living in Pollensa with children for a shorter period, there are several British and International Schools in Palma and the south of the island which are attended by the international community and teach in English.

The Mallorca International School, known also as My School is a new bilingual English and Spanish school which has recently opened just outside Pollensa and appears to be doing very well.

Healthcare, Buying Property and Living in Pollensa with Children

In order to buy a house in Spain, you get will need a NIE number, which is you foreign ID number and with this number you will be able to apply for healthcare.

If you are working officially in Spain you can apply for a Spanish Social Security Card and receive free healthcare, be assigned a GP and have access to local clinics and all state hospital care, if you are paying contributions in the UK, you can apply for a European Health Card and get free healthcare in Spain as well, or if you do not qualify or would rather not do the paperwork, you can go private.


If you have any further queries on buying property and living in Pollensa with children, or if you would like us to help you find the house of your dreams, contact us.