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Sol Mallorca - Property sales in Mallorca

Why winter is a great time to buy a house in Mallorca


Could it make any difference what time of year you start the process of investing in Mallorca real estate? Is it easier to buy property out of season? Does the winter on the island lend itself better to buying a home? It may seem unusual to claim that the month you purchase a house in will have any relevance at all, but on a seasonal island such as Mallorca, timing is essential.

If you are thinking of investing in property in Mallorca

Consider doing so in winter... 


Winter property sales in Mallorca


Mallorca in winter

Mallorca in winter may surprise you. It isn't anything like Mallorca in summer. 

The island is a silent and empty place, exquisite and peaceful. The roads are empty and dry, hence the cycling phenomenon! - And the beaches are bare, great for walking, too cold for bathing. Pretty much all the cafes, restaurants, hotels and beach bars close down around mid November and won't open again until the Spring. Some a little earlier, for the cyclists. But generally, this is not a time for holidaymakers and services geared towards them are largely dormant at this time of year.

Kids are at school. People are at work. And although the sun shines throughout the year, the air is crisp and the evenings are cool.

Most importantly however, the administration is at work; the town hall, government offices, accountants, real estate agents, lawyers, architects, they are all available and best of all, relaxed and receptive. Paperwork, bureaucracy and the dreaded Spanish red tape is a well-oiled machine out of season. A good time, generally, to try to get things done.


Buying a home in Mallorca in the winter

Buying a home requires a certain investment in time, into viewings and some research on the island, areas, seasons, facilities, amenities, schools, etc. This is after all an expensive purchase, not one to be done in a hurry.

Potential buyers often attempt that multi-tasking contortionism - to combine a family holiday with a house-buying trip! often resulting in them achieving neither, not enjoying the break, because it isn't a break if you are carting everyone along from house to house and agent to agent, normally in extremely high temperatures, on a busy holiday island, clogged with traffic and generally exhausting. And of course, the entire public administration tends to take the summer off, so getting the paper work sorted is a frustrating, snail-like affair.

And then the buying process is thwarted by you trying to fit in family activities in the middle. Concentration levels are low. Not ideal.

On the other hand, house viewing in winter, on an exclusive house buying trip, and you can see several properties, get a sense of the area. And most interestingly, you get to see the houses at their so-called worse, when it isn't sunny and bright. You can see how the house holds up, check for construction defects, damp, etc. The owners and real estate agents are most nervous when showing a property when the weather is grim, so may be more willing to cut a deal.


Reforming a home in Mallorca

Timing is important in most things. And when you buy a property has all kinds of bearing on how fast the purchase process will take, the deal you may or may not be able to cut, and also, the work you want to get done on the house.

Let's face it - We all want our Mallorca homes to be ready for Easter, or summer at the very least!

As much as we understand that a major refurb can take time, we secretly covet a finished home come summer holidays. So, what better way to achieve this than by buying a home in winter? That will give you at least 6 months to get the place fit for living. Then you can enjoy the holidays while organising the last details of the reform, decor, furniture etc., while in residence.

The first stage can be done best in winter, because there are strict guidelines as to when you can carry out large works on your home in Mallorca. Especially on the exterior of the property. Therefore it is preferable to carry out the main work on the house during the winter months and leave the more cosmetic stage to later on in the summer.


Enjoying your house in Mallorca all year round

Many 2nd residence property owners on the island find that they enjoy spending time in Mallorca out of season, and progressively move their visits away from summer to spring and autumn when the weather is mild, but also in winter when the island is tranquil. The summer is a good time to let your home and create the funds to support the property. The time for family holidays and the busy tourism the island is best known for. Out of season however, you get the house and the island to yourself.